Our first volume of Flourish follows an expedition to Japan and Indonesia, returning to the UK with discoveries of Asian lifestyle and cuisine. We explore the grappling hike of Mt. Takao in the scorching heat in Hachiōji, the spiritual nature of the secret gardens of Kyoto, and the foodie realm of Osaka, before exploring the geographical diversity of Tokyo. Our adventures continue onto Indonesia where we follow ash planes to Mt. Bromo in East Java, exploring some of the most diverse land across the country from its rich city populations to its mountainous rice plantations. Following this colourful cultural experience we reflect in a selection of our favourite coffee shops along our journey before bringing our culinary discoveries back to the cities of the UK with Kalpna Woolf and Megan Hallett exhibiting their finest Asian cuisine.
Flourish Magazine Volume 1 - A Snippet of Asia
- 116 pages
- 210 X 275mm perfect bound
- Printed in full colour on FSC-approved uncoated paper in the United Kingdom
- Cover: Matt Laminate 300gsm
- Inner: Uncoated 120gsm
- Publish date: 13 April 2018